New Jersey residents who are going through a divorce probably already know that the process can drain resources like money, time and energy. But a fact that is not as well known is that divorcees can trigger a tax problem for themselves if not careful when...
How approaching retirement age can impact your divorce orders
Divorce statistics for the most recent decade have upended what people believe about modern divorces. Although Millennials seem to get married at lower rates than the generations before them, they also have a lower divorce rate. On the other hand, older adults seem to...
How to successfully share custody during the holidays
For children, the holiday season is one of the most enjoyable times of the year. From trick or treating to Christmas parties, there's always something to look forward to.As a divorced parent, sharing custody during the holidays is often a challenge. Since both you and...
Don’t let your divorce kill your business in New Jersey
Divorce can turn reasonable people and those around them into the worst versions of themselves, and everything tied to a divorce can suffer if the spouses involved do not carefully consider their legal strategy. The law considers marriage to be similar to a business...
Experts believe joint custody is in a child’s best interests
In some senses, the court has to determine what is in the child's best interests in every divorce case in which children are involved. There are just so many factors that come into it. Questions they ask include things like:How old is the child?What does the child...
Which families benefit from joint physical custody?
The thought of spending one night away from you children may not feel entirely comfortable. However, if you're currently going through a divorce, that could be the reality you're facing.Many parents fight tooth-and-nail to secure full custody of their children and...
After divorce, you must protect your parenting time
Your time with your child is one of the most precious things that you have and something that you must protect. Parents who do not make a priority to protect their rights to time with their children may find that the other parent slowly erodes these rights or refuses...