Guidance For Families Affected By Domestic Violence
One of the unfortunate aspects of divorce is that instances of domestic violence tend to increase before a divorce occurs. In some cases, children are involved in the accusations and parents are separated from their children as a result. If you are suffering from domestic abuse or have been accused of abusing a spouse or partner, it is important to protect your legal rights.
At Mullen Law, LLC, we have the knowledge necessary to guide you through the domestic violence process, whether victim or defendant. Our attorneys have extensive experience handling domestic violence within divorce cases and can work with you to resolve the issue, so both sides can move on to the next phase of their lives. We have the compassion and legal skill to handle both the family law and criminal law components of a domestic violence case. We take the time to get to know our clients and provide them with the one-on-one attention they need as they go through a difficult time.
Domestic Violence Has Serious Consequences For All Involved
When one party alleges domestic violence, he or she can obtain a restraining order that bars the alleged abuser from having contact with them, their friends and family and even their children. In many cases, the alleged abusers are barred from their own homes, leaving them without the right to see their children.
The order will stay in effect indefinitely and has other consequences, such as barring an alleged abuser from possessing firearms and keeping them from obtaining certain types of employment. Perhaps the most unfortunate aspect of domestic violence in the context of a divorce or a custody dispute is that it can be used unscrupulously in order for one spouse to gain the upper hand.
Domestic Violence Complaints: What To Know
It is pivotal to have representation at your final hearing when a domestic violence complaint has been filed. In addition to obtaining the right result at the domestic violence hearing, many collateral issues are decided. While these decisions are considered temporary, they often become “the law of the case.” A domestic violence hearing should not be utilized to get an upper hand at a future divorce proceeding. If a settlement is reached at the final hearing, it should benefit both parties and keep them from future domestic violence complaints.
Contact Our Domestic Violence Attorney For Assistance
Domestic violence is taken very seriously in criminal and family court. It is crucial to work with a knowledgeable, professional attorney. To discuss the specifics of your case with a dedicated attorney, contact our firm today. Call us today at 856-375-1136 or send us an email to contact our firm.